VOLUME 12, ISSUE 25 • July 21, 2016

Neil Sperry, editor. Gretchen Drew, design.


Thanks for clicking us open for this week's e-gardens! We were hoping to see you!

Fun stories await you this week:
• My favorite sources of summer foliar color
• Steven Chamblee journeys farther than usual
• Summer watering for shade trees
• Gardening This Weekend
• Question of the Week

Give us 10 minutes of reading, and we'll keep you right on top of your horticulture.

Photo: Bloodleaf is one of Neil's favorite plants. Nurseries have it. Give it a try!


Gardening This Weekend

Don't ever assume that we'll give you a week off in your landscape and garden. I have the things that most need to be done now.

Photo: Mallows (hardy hibiscus) in bloom in McKinney. Nurseries should have them now.


Question of the Week

"Neil, why are my plants' leaves brown around their edges?"

I'm asked this all the time, and it's for all kinds of plants. It's usually a challenging answer. I'll explain the possible causes.

Photo: Japanese maple is cooking in full sun.


Favorites of Foliar Color

I'm a big advocate of plants with colorful foliage. We have dozens of good choices, and I've assembled five of my favorites. I'm proud to suggest them to my e-gardens friends

Photo: This is one of Neil's old friends, but it may be one you've yet to meet.


Native Son: Road Trip in Ohio

Steven Chamblee made a quick dash to Ohio a few days ago. He came back with 1,000 of his favorite photos. You’re gonna love his story.

Photo: Steven always has an unusual perspective on life. And photography.


Protecting Shade Tree Investment

Earlier this summer I gave tips on watering shade trees. With recent hot and dry weather, it's become a critical topic, so I've chosen to repeat it.

Photo: Even Hill Country native Lacey oak benefits from summer irrigation.


And, in closing…

Hope you've enjoyed our minutes together. I have three wishes of you: (1) tell our advertisers you read us, (2) share us with friends and (3) be back next week!

In the meantime, crank the freezer. I'm ready for ice cream.

A quarter-century newer than the "boot book"
Want to read more? My newest book isn't in stores, and it's not on Amazon. But it can be in your mailbox within days. Details here.