VOLUME 14, ISSUE 24 • June 14, 2018

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


Happy Flag Day, and come this Sunday, if it's an appropriate greeting, Happy Father's Day!

In this issue…
• A couple of troubling lawn situations;
• Another great story from our friend Diane Sitton;
• Possible weedkiller injury to plants;
• Lawn and landscaping puzzlements; and
• This weekend's gardening tasks.


I'll continue the pre-order special…
But not forever! The presses are rolling for the 3rd printing of Neil Sperry's Lone Star Gardening.

Photo: Jesus Aguilar of Clear Visions in San Antonio is knee-deep in press runs of the third printing of my book. He’s been there for all three! Thanks, Jesus!

Lowest price I'll ever offer…
• Order now for only $26.95 plus tax, postage.
• Price will be $33.95 when book comes out of the bindery later this summer.
• I will sign every book in the order in which they are purchased.
• Satisfaction guaranteed or full refund.
• 344 pages, 840 of my photographs.
• Order ahead for gifts.

Need a copy of 2nd printing immediately for $31.95 plus tax, postage? I have a limited number available.

• Book available only from my website or by calling my office M-F (800) 752-4769.
• Not in stores and not on Amazon.

Photo: Persian shield is a showy tropical that loves Texas heat. It does best in moist soil with shade from mid-morning on.


Gardening This Weekend

It's a watershed time in the landscape and garden. Your plants need you more than ever before. See my details.

Photo: For exotic tropical color plant Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus) into a patio pot or bed with early morning sun, then shade.


Texas gardens…where every day is Flag Day

Popular Diane Sitton celebrates our Texas flag.

Photo: Exterior decorating. In Texas, any size roof can be a flag canvas, even a birdhouse roof.


Questions of the Week Number 1: June 14, 2018

"What is wrong with our turfgrass? What are these black and gray growths on the lawn?"

Are the ailments as bad as the names?

Photo: On the left, bermudagrass smut and on the right, slime mold on St. Augustine. But how terrible are they?


Question of the Week Number 2: June 14, 2018

"What is happening to my hardy hibiscus? I'm afraid it's dying. What can I do to save it?"

It's the time of year that this sort of question rolls in. I'll explain, and I'll tell you what we think caused the problem.


Questions of the Week Numbers 3 and 4: June 14, 2018

"What's happened to our St. Augustine and new shrubs?"

I'm getting these questions time and again. See my answers.

Photo: St. Augustine on left, new dwarf yaupon on right.


And, in closing…

This week's e-gardens seemed to center on questions. However, that's not all bad, because I've watched the "open" rate when we've done that before, and I know how much our readers enjoy them. Hope you did, too.

Here's to a great Father's Day weekend for your family. This would be a great time to plant a magnificent oak with your dad - something you both can remember for many years to come.

I'll be back next week with another e-gardens, and I hope you'll be eager to see it. In the meantime, join me on radio, on my website, on Facebook, via my podcasts, in the newspaper, and in church this Sunday morning.

Until then, thanks for reading.

And happy gardening!


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