VOLUME 15, ISSUE 49 • December 5, 2019

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


My friend…I have a superior e-gardens for your enjoyment. Written with inspiration and enthusiasm. See if you can tell!

In this issue…
• Shade tree longevity;
• Cardoon and Redbor for color;
• Branch collars matter;
• Your list for the weekend; and
• Tillandsias to try.
(Did you understand any of that?)


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Photo: Tillandsias are always appealing when you see them in nurseries.


Gardening This Weekend

Even in December there are plenty of things to get done. I've made a list of the top topics you ought to put on your docket. Check through to see what I've included.

Photo: This is a great time to plant hollies into the landscape.


How Long Will My Tree Live?

That's an important topic, but it's also hard to predict. There are many variables over which you have little control. But I'll attempt to stick some numbers on top of some names just to open up the discussions. See where your favorite trees fall in the list.

Photo: Live oaks on the SMU campus.


Tiny, Terrific Tillandsias

You already know a couple of the sisters of these great little tropicals. And you know some of their cousins, one in particular, quite well. But see if you can remember who they are before you click to learn more.

Photo: A collection of Tillandsias awaited eager customers at Calloways recently.


Great Example of a "Branch Collar"

You hear arborists talk about pruning to leave a branch collar. This pecan is directly over our front door, and I noticed this past weekend how dramatically this limb removal demonstrates it. Let me explain the theories behind it.

Photo: Large branch was removed five years ago.


Farther Down on the List of Winter Annuals

You're already aware of pansies and pinks, but there are several other less common annuals you ought to include in your cool-season plantings. I'm going to showcase a couple each week for a while. I hope you'll enjoy them. This week we'll go with cardoon and Redbor kale.

Photo: Cardoon and Redbor kale are striking companions.


And, in closing…

Once you click through to read all of these stories I think you'll agree that this week's e-gardens is maybe the finest you've read so far this month! I'll be back next week same time, same place to see if we can do even better.

Between now and then you can join me on Facebook, on the air this weekend, on my website for my FAQ pages and to catch up on my podcasts and certainly in church this Sunday morning.

Until next week, thanks for reading, and

Happy gardening!


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