VOLUME 16, ISSUE 10 • March 5, 2020

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


It's been a wet couple of days across Texas, but the weekend is looking great. I've written e-gardens with that in mind.

In this issue…
• My favorite native shrub;
• Geraniums perk up the spring;
• Tree tips for Texas;
• Fringeflower challenges; and
• This weekend's tasks.

In this book…
(It's my latest book.)

Neil Sperry's Lone Star Gardening
And Texas gardening calendar - an entire chapter devoted to timing of all your gardening activities (never in a book of mine before);
• 344 pages and 840 of my best photos;
• Covers all aspects of outdoor gardening in Texas;
• Hardback, printed in Texas on high-quality paper.
• A quarter-century more up-to-date than the old "cowboy boot" book.

Only $33.95 plus tax and postage!
• Satisfaction guaranteed or full refund;
• I sign every copy as it sells.
• Don't grow into spring without it!

Not in stores and not on Amazon
Order from my website, or
800-752-4769 M-F 9-5.

Photo: Pink geraniums tell us spring is on its way!


Gardening This Weekend

When you get a few days of fairly warm weather, aren't you tempted to assume that spring is upon us? But it's Texas, and things can turn on a dime. With all things in mind, I've assembled the list of your most critical gardening tasks for this first full weekend of March. Click through to read them.

Photo: Calendulas can be planted now.


My Favorite Native Shrub

I grew up in College Station. That's where posts oaks run free and yaupon hollies dance at their feet. My dad co-founded the Range and Forestry Department at TAMU, and I spent many a happy hour combing the woods with him. That's where I met this beautiful shrub.

Photo: Yaupons grow in thickets in the southeastern third of Texas.


Still One of My Favorites

I've loved geraniums since I was a kid. And we have better types now. More vigorous varieties with bigger, more colorful flowers. Let me tell you about them.

Photo: Geraniums are a great way to colorize springtime.


Tree Time Across Texas

Looking for a new shade tree? Nurseries have outstanding selections, but you need to think through the options to be sure you're getting the best. I have details.

Photo: Tree selection will soon be at its best.


Question of the Week: March 5, 2020

"Why does my fringeflower not look as good as others in my town?"

I do have opinions. I'll share my insights.

Photo: This is the way fringeflower should look in early spring.


And, in closing…

That's it for e-gardens for this week.

Before I go, though, Dr. Larry Stein and my other friends with TAMU Extension horticulture have asked that I alert you to "Taste 360°" where they'll be pulling out all the stops on farm-to-table, backyard horticulture, and 10 tons of other great info. Click here for all the details or copy and paste https://taste360.tamu.edu into your browser. It's Friday and Saturday March 20-21. Don't miss it!

Until next week, you know where I'll be: radio, Facebook, website, podcasts, church.

Until then, thanks for reading…

And happy gardening!


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