VOLUME 18, ISSUE 47 • November 24, 2022

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


Happy Thanksgiving! I wish only the best for you and yours.

In this issue…
This weekend's other tasks beyond baking pies;
Count 'em: TWO segments of Q&A;
Birds at the Sperry feeders; and
Staghorn ferns.

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Photo: It's pansy-planting time across Texas!


Gardening This Weekend

We're sending e-gardens out two days early this week. Nobody wants to receive a gardening newsletter on Thanksgiving evening! I've taken that into account, and I've broadened the list to include things you'll want to get done between now and next Monday. I hope it's helpful.

Photo: Subtle mix of blue pansies provides wonderful look to their surroundings.


Birds At Our Feeders

Right up front I'll tell you that Wild Birds Unlimited (three of their stores) sponsors this newsletter. But this story is in no way a part of that sponsorship. I learn new things from them almost every day through their mailings and by going into their stores. Have you heard of "seed caching?" I'll let them explain it.

Photo: Birds like this perky nuthatch will soon be taking turns at our feeders.


Staghorn ferns, a lifetime favorite

I first saw this fern when I was about 12 years old and I immediately had to have one. I combed the Houston Post garden section weekly until one popped up. Let me tell you about it.

Photo: Fertile fronds of a staghorn fern.


Ask Neil

Let’s see. In short, we have: trunk, trunk, freeze cracks, root sprouts, brown tree leaves, trunk, trunk and an outlier on tomatoes.Trees win!



Ask Neil

Lots more variety in this batch, from a big bubba bougainvillea to nutsedge, Texas sage, sago palms and puny periwinkles. Oh, and a leftover tree question.


And, in closing…

Please have a safe Thanksgiving weekend. Join me on the radio live this Saturday and Sunday. It's usually an easy time of year to get through.

I'll close with a portion of my favorite reading from The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie. August 1, "Gratitude." It seems appropriate.

"Say thank you until you mean it.

Thank God, life and the universe for everyone and everything sent your way.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more…

Gratitude makes things right…

Say thank you until you mean it. If you say it long enough you will believe it."

Thank you, dear friend!

Happy thanksgiving…

And Happy Gardening!


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