VOLUME 20, ISSUE 32 • August 8, 2024

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


It's been a warm, but really good week. I'll share details in the closing below. In the meantime…

In this issue…
You'll never forget Persian shield;
This weekend's activities;
Diane Sitton features potting benches;
Cornelius Calloway's in Houston; and
Your questions, my answers.


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Photo: Cockscomb celosia is a fun way to plant for fall. (Cornelius Nursery, Voss Rd., Houston, this week.)


Gardening This Weekend

This week's weather certainly had us looking for morning and evening hours to accomplish our gardening tasks. It also caused us to sort down to the ones that we put at the tops of our lists. I've drawn up my own collection, and I have it for you as a start.

Photo: Think "foliage" in your annual plantings for fall, copper plants here.


Make it work with a potting bench

Every gardener needs a great potting bench, and Diane Sitton shows us some of the best she’s seen in her many journeys.

Photo: A passion for plants, pots, and collectibles is evident in this narrow side yard "garden central."


Persian shield's foliage is other-worldly

I first saw this jewel 67 years ago and I've never forgotten it. That's the kind of impression it makes on people. It's a tropical plant that looks great on a shade patio, whether in a pot or planted out in the corner of the garden. Let me tell you about it.

Photo: Few plants bring more drama to their surroundings than Persian shield.


Cornelius Nursery a gem more than ever

My wife and I had a little extra time Tuesday to stop by a nursery that has meant so much to Texas gardeners for the past 62 years – Cornelius Nursery, now part of the Calloways family, on Voss Rd. in Houston, where I visited with Ross Newton, assistant manager.

Photo: Ross and Neil at Voss Rd. Cornelius.


Q&A – Ask Neil

What to do when the grasshoppers have finished dining. Why crape myrtle leaves are yellowing and falling. One of the most challenging of all lawn weeds. One of the easiest groundcover weeds. Pistachio behaving poorly. Those are just some of the Q’s for this week.


And, in closing…

I'll start with the standard things:

I'll be back with another e-gardens next week, so let your friends know.

I'll be on the radio normal times and stations this weekend, so let your ears know.

But I'd like to introduce you to one of Texas' best and most avid gardeners. Isabella Glitza from Houston. Except I know her as Doctor Glitza. My melanoma specialist at M.D. Anderson. (Photo from three days ago, August 5.)

Earlier this year, when Dr. Glitza asked me what I did for a living that kept me working at my age, I told her I was a garden writer and broadcaster. Well. She pulled out her phone and scrolled out the most beautiful photos of her Texas-grown vegetables. Best I've ever seen grown here in Texas, and I've seen some great ones. Her nurses and assistants confirmed - she keeps them supplied.

So, it was great to see her again, and she gave me permission to post this photo of her with Lynn and me.

Oh, yes. Just one more thing. The MRI, CT scan, and lab results all came back perfect! We left with hugs and immense feelings of gratitude. I promised myself that I would try to thank everyone who has prayed for me, and that includes my e-gardens readers. Thank you! I love you!

Until next week,

Happy gardening!


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