Here’s what Susan wrote to me…

Meet Leo. We rescued him from a shelter in Pilot Point. He was in very poor condition when we got him, but we loved him back to health. As he grew stronger and more confident, his true personality began to shine like a beacon. Leo appears to be a Livestock Guardian Dog.

This is my kingdom.

He was perhaps not professionally trained, but he was most definitely hard-wired to patrol the perimeter of his territory. Leo's instinct to patrol and walk for miles seems an integral part of who he is. Leo needs a yard – a BIG yard – maybe even a farm, or a ranch. But living in a condo with two senior citizens is not the life for which he was intended.

Leo has an extremely gentle and calm nature. Once he has completed his patrols, his next favorite activity is meeting kids. Any size, any age, Leo is captivated by children. They gather around this huge creature and ruffle his ears, hug his head and fluff his fur. He LOVES it! Leo provides a low-key introduction for even the most unsure of kiddos.

Leo loves dogs! On our walks, he has tried to meet every single one! He approaches respectfully and adjusts his posture based on the size and response of the other dog. Fascinating to watch! He is an intuitive peacemaker and would be happy to live with another furry friend. He puppy bows and invites play with carefree abandon. He has a huge turning radius - and boy is he fast. (Can you tell I love this guy?)

Now, about that coat…Yep, double-coated, with a cottony undercoat for winter and a stiffer outer coat year-round. Fortunately, Leo LOVES to be brushed. He moves and wriggles to ensure that every bit of him gets detangled and brushed. Often, he will fall fast asleep during the process.

Leo is a great house guest.

In the house, Leo is a perfect gentleman. He is completely housebroken, sits before meals, shares treats with the cat and prefers to sleep with his chin propped on a window sill so he can keep an eye on his territory. I am continually amazed by his intelligence. The cat taught him how to tap the blinds to be let out on the patio!

John and I believe that we were called to rescue Leo from the shelter so that we could heal his heart, bring him to health, and do whatever it takes to find him his perfect home. He needs the freedom to be off leash and to explore. Sadly, it is not something we can give him here.

Neil, do you know anyone who might be able to provide Leo with the space he needs to be happy? We are not asking for any money. We would give him as a gift from our hearts. We will drive four hours in any direction so that he can meet his potential new owner.

Thanks to you and to your readers. We hope that someone will be calling his name.


Friends, if you’re interested, please send me a note by clicking this link. I’ll put you in contact with Susan.


Neil Sperry - Publisher
Gretchen Drew - Administrator