Rose Cuttings – October, 2007

Herald the Coming of Spring!

There is nothing like the fragrance of bush honeysuckle to announce that spring is just around the corner. Flowering quince is next to follow, along with narcissus and jonquils. This, while all your other garden plants lie naked and dormant in spring’s early cool breezes.

I’ve always been fond of the first bloomers. With roses, it’s Fortunes Double Yellow, with her apricot-colored flowers, and Old Blush, with her blushing to pale pink flowers. Cherokee and Lady Banksia quickly follow them — giant climbers that stop traffic with their floral show.

They certainly know how to bring attention to themselves while their cousins wait for warmer days to show their colors. Ironically, except for Old Blush, which is an everblooming China rose, most of these early bloomers put all of their effort into this one early bloom, then wait until the same time next year to bloom again. For me, they are still worthwhile, as they can bloom as much in that 2- to 3-week period as everbloomers take all year to achieve.

Other favorite spring bloomers that come on later are Veilchenblau (the blue-magenta rose), Albertine (apricot), Alberic Barbier (whitish yellow) and Climbing American Beauty (reddish pink).

Remember, plant now to enjoy a bigger bounty of flowers in April. The fragrant White Lady Banks is in full bud now. Spring is just around the corner. See you in the garden!

These and other roses are available for purchase online at, or visit ARE’s booth at the 2006 All Texas All Gardens Show. Click here for details.

About the author: Mike Shoup is the owner of the Antique Rose Emporium. Visit the ARE Brenham and San Antonio display gardens for endless ideas on landscaping with roses, and to order roses online, visit

Posted by Neil Sperry
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