From the Sperry Garden – January, 2008


This part of our driveway is one of the first things people see when they come to visit us.  It’s also what we see every time that we head into, or out of, our drive.  That’s why I planted two of my favorite types of hollies here 30 years ago.  Berries Jubilee and Dazzler hollies performed like champs for 25 of those years, but several friends had backed over some of them, and watering curtailments hadn’t been kind to the rest. They were thinning and gnarled, and something needed to be done.  I have anguished over their fate for the past several years, and I finally decided it was time for the change.


Replacing old plants that no longer contribute is somewhat like pulling a splinter out of your foot: there’s that sudden burst of relief knowing that you’ve done the right thing.  Granted, all we did was put more mondograss in place of the shrubs, but I intend to spot 5 to 7 large containers in this bed this summer for added interest.

My message to you from all of this:  don’t be afraid to "remodel" your gardens.  It’s almost always the best thing you can do.

Posted by Neil Sperry
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