First Broadcast at WBAP!
In the photo on the cake, L to R Nancy Progelhof (sales assistant and marketing), Michelle Shook (sales manager), Neil (office staff) and Lynn (boss). This is from a team photo taken the day of our advertisers’ welcome. How good does that make you feel? “Fabulous” is the word I’ve been using.
These are the guys who put it all together, start-to-finish. L to R Tyler Cox (VP programming WBAP), RJ Lane (sales manager WBAP), Duane Sedge (engineering WBAP) and Neil. Missing from the photo taken Saturday morning July 10 is David Allen (production), he was elsewhere in the station, probably trying to fix some ad problem I had created! These guys hovered around us like a dad with a kid on the first bicycle ride. What a great safety net. Thanks, all!