Gold Star Esperanza


First brought to us by our friend and fine plantsman Greg Grant, this tough plant is native to Southwest Texas. It’s winter-hardy in the southern half of the state, and it’s a great summer annual for the rest of us.

Gold Star esperanza can become a tall, leaning shrub to 6 or 10 feet tall in South Texas. Most of the rest of us, however, know it to be an upright plant for a patio pot.

Buy Gold Star esperanza in bloom. Word has gotten out over recent years that some growers have accidentally propagated from types that don’t bloom as well. True Gold Stars will be in flower the balance of the summer.

It adds a lovely spot of cooling yellow to any sunny part of your yard, plus it will bring in hummingbirds from miles around. Nurseries have it in stock right now.

Posted by gdrew
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