Rose Cuttings

Fall planting can prepare the way for a lovely garden display like this the following spring. Photo courtesy of Mike Shoup.
Fall Planting
Nurserymen, landscapers and all those involved in horticulture proclaim, “Fall is for planting — spring is for admiring.” But even with such widespread and enthusiastic declarations, 70 percent of our sales still occur in the spring. We would love to reverse this ratio by strongly encouraging everyone to plant now!
There are many benefits of fall planting:
• bigger, better-established plants, as evidenced by their spring performance.
• higher plant survival rates when planted in the fall.
• less watering needed to establish plants when planting is done in the fall.
• bigger and more abundant blooms on plants that have been planted in the fall.
Next spring you can avoid the crowds at the garden center while relaxing in the luxury of your fall-planted Eden!
About the author: Mike Shoup is the owner of the Antique Rose Emporium. Visit his company’s Brenham and San Antonio display gardens for endless ideas on landscaping with roses. To order roses online, visit
Editor’s note: Mark your calendar for the free Fall Festival of Roses at the Antique Rose Emporium Nov. 1-3 and learn from a panel of gardening experts like Felder Rushing, Greg Grant, Pam Penick, Judy Barrett and ARE’s own Mike Shoup. Find details here.