Rose Cuttings: October 2014
by Mike Shoup
The Sweetheart Rose
Perfectly shaped little pink buds earned ‘Cécile Brunner’ her nickname, “the Sweetheart Rose.” Steeped in nostalgia, she may be the most romantic rose to ever come along. From the early 1900s through the roaring ‘20s, her buds were a sentimental favorite, often given to loved ones to wear in their hair or lapels. Dried flower buds, remnants of this affection, can still be found pressed in old books or pinned on vintage hats and dresses.
As a very compact shrub, she graces gardens with perfect, fragrant blooms from spring until frost. Sporadic blooms occur even in Southern summers, when many other roses are resting.
‘Cécile Brunner’ prefers the mixed border, blending with annuals and perennials, but she’ll happily reside in a pot — especially if she is close to passersby. Who knows, someone just might need a flower in a pinch!