Fall Garden Planting Timings

This all begins with your knowing the average date of the first killing freeze in your area. Obviously, that date will vary, but you must plant with an eye on the average. Your crops need enough time to produce a full yield, but not so much time that they end up struggling with summer’s heat too long at the outset.

Here are approximate planting dates for the major vegetable crops you might consider for fall gardens. Timing may vary depending on your local climate, but you need to figure back from the date of the average first killing freeze, then allow ample time for good harvest.

Late June/early July in North Texas, mid-July in South Texas: tomato transplants and pumpkins from seed. Best tomatoes: Celebrity, Porter, Roma, cherry, pear, super-sweet hybids. STAY WITH SMALL- AND MID-SIZED VARIETIES OF BOTH TOMATOES AND PUMPKINS for best results.

Mid-July in North Texas, late July, early August in South Texas: pepper transplants of all types.

August 1 in North Texas, August 15 in South Texas: corn, squash, beans, cucumbers, small watermelons, potatoes.

Mid–August in North Texas, late August in South Texas) transplants of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, collards.

Late August in North Texas, early September in South Texas: leafy and root crops, including lettuce, spinach, radishes, turnips, carrots, beets.

Not especially suited to fall’s cooling conditions and shorter days – okra, southern peas and onions.

Posted by Neil Sperry
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