Gardening for This Weekend — February 25, 2016
The weekly format of e-gardens is really paying off. This “Things to do now” section, which we couldn’t do in the old monthly arrangement, is the one the most of you visit. So here are this weekend’s assignments.
• Plant leafy and root vegetables now, including lettuce, spinach, cabbage, radishes, carrots, beets and turnips.
• Plant frost-resistant annuals, including larkspurs, stocks, sweet alyssum, petunias and pinks. Geraniums handle cool weather well. Plant them in pots that can easily be moved whenever necessary.
• Finish all dormant-season transplanting of established trees and shrubs before they break buds for spring.
• Finish all dormant-season pruning before new growth begins. Remove half or more of top growth of bare-rooted fruit trees to compensate for roots lost in the digging.
• South Texas: Reshape (as needed) spring-blooming shrubs and vines such as flowering quince and Carolina jessamine as soon as they finish flowering.
• Most Texas soils call for all-nitrogen fertilizers, with half or more of that nitrogen in slow-release form. Apply now to shrub beds, groundcovers and actively growing annual and perennial flowers. Wait a couple of weeks in South Texas and one month in North Texas to fertilize lawns (see related story this issue).
• Begin spring fruit spray program. See schedules online by searching Aggie Horticulture for the home fruit spray schedule.
• Prevent or control lawn weeds this weekend. See details in related story this issue.