Gardening for this Weekend: March 31, 2016
OK, team! Get your running shoes on. You have lots to do over the next several days.
Plant: Warm-season flowers and vegetables (except those that must have very warm soils). Almost all of Texas (except the Panhandle) should be finished planting green beans, squash, cucumbers, corn, tomatoes and peppers within the next week. They need to be planted and growing so they can avoid summer’s hot weather. You can wait a week or two to plant summer annuals and all perennials.

Corn should be planted now, but it is pollinated by wind, so large blocks are critical (20×20 ft. or larger).
Sod for bermuda, hybrid bermudas, St. Augustine and zoysia can be planted now. Wait to seed bermuda until late April, once soils have warmed.
Nurseries have their best supplies of the year right now. Go in on Thursdays or Fridays. They’ll still be busy, but not nearly as busy as they are on the weekends. Most restock Wednesdays through Fridays, so those are great days to visit.
Prune: Reshape spring-flowering shrubs by pruning as soon as their blooms have fallen. Remove erratic growth from vigorous plants. Do not prune oaks at this time if at all possible. Oak wilt fungal mats are active in spring. Wait to prune oaks until mid-summer’s hot weather. Seal all oak cuts made at any time with pruning paint.

Use lopping shears to remove erratic shoots from vigorous shrubs (elaeagnus).
Fertilize: Almost every plant that you’re growing needs to be fed now. Apply a high-N or all-N fertilizer followed by a deep watering. Use water-soluble or liquid fertilizers on container plants each time that you water them.

New growth (Oakleaf hydrangea) needs a ready supply of nutrients to get year off to good start.
Spray: Aphids are active on new growth. Treat with a labeled insecticide, or try washing them off with a hard stream of water. Use a broadleafed weedkiller to eliminate clover, poison ivy, dichondra and other non-grassy weeds.

Aphids congregate on new growth of hibiscus.