Question of the Week: April 28, 2016
“Neil! What’s wrong with my live oak? It’s all over the tree?”
Last week’s Question of the Week was a legitimate one (concerning normal April/May leaf drop of magnolias, hollies and other broadleafed evergreens).
However, a couple of hours before we were set send out e-gardens, we started getting pummeled with the oak question. We edited e-gardens to say we would address it here this week.

One of my Facebook friends posted this photo. I borrowed it to illustrate here.
This is oak leaf blister, and the main reason I didn’t ask Gretchen to rip e-gardens apart and re-do it last week was because this is not an especially bad infection (more cosmetic than anything) and because there isn’t a lot you could (or should) do for it now anyway. Here is what Texas A&M has to say about it.