Little Plants in the Spotlight
It’s nice to have big beds filled with splashy color, but sometimes time, space and energy run low. You still want the good looks, but you don’t crave the work.

One pot filled with petunias in spring, purslane in summer, or mums in the fall can add sparkle to your gardens.
I’ve pulled a few photos out of the Sperry playbook. These are little plantings from our place, just to show you how much fun just a minimalistic planting can generate.

I’ve been a sucker for coleus in containers since I decorated my in-laws’ house for our wedding reception 49 years ago!

I have this low pot filled with pink pentas and Victoria salvias alongside a path to our backyard.

I use a lot of variegated peperomias in various parts of our landscape. Here they flank a ground-level gazing ball.