Choose Fruit Crops Wisely
Not all fruit crops are suited to all of Texas. If you’d like to start a small home orchard, you really do need to do a little studying beforehand.
To help you get started, Texas A&M horticulturists have an outstanding selection of fact sheets on every type of fruit crop we grow here in Texas. Some are geared toward commercial production, while others are directed at the home gardener. But all are filled with useful details.
Here is a link to this wealth of information. You might want to keep it bookmarked on your computer.
One other tip: Local independent retail garden centers and feed stores may be your best sources for the recommended varieties.
Online sources such as Womack’s Nursery in DeLeon TX and Texas Pecan Nursery in Chandler TX are also outstanding.
National chain stores may not offer types that are best suited to your part of Texas. Shop carefully.