Fabulous Fragrance, Great Little Tree

Botanically it’s Prunus mexicana.

Mexican plum blooms along the Sperry drive where it has flowered for 30 or more springs.

Horticulturally, Mexican plum is a fine small landscaping tree with several outstanding features. Let me list a few facts.

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You’ll want to know…
Mexican plum is native to the eastern third of Texas.
Mature height and width: 20-25 ft.
Best used as a small accent tree or in a small urban garden.

Flowers of Mexican plum are highly fragrant and sparklingly white.

Sweetly fragrant blooms are white.
Flowers in February into early March.
Leaves are dark green, 2 in. long, very coarse textured.

Fruit of Mexican plums mature in August and September. They add a great deal of color to the garden.

Fruit is pinkish-red-purple. Matures in late summer and fall.
Fruit is good in jams, but not especially good for fresh consumption.
Birds and other wildlife like the fruit.

Bark of Mexican plum is prominent and coarse textured. It adds great character in winter.

Bark is very platy and coarse textured.
Trunk and branches may have thorns.
Very few pest problems.
Readily available at independent retail garden centers. Can be planted at any season.

Posted by Neil Sperry
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