Let’s talk crape myrtles!

Join me at the McKinney Performing Arts Center on the square in downtown McKinney, Thursday, June 20, 7 p.m. I’ll be speaking on crape myrtles, their history, how to choose and use them, and the evolution of The Crape Myrtle Trails of McKinney. It’s all a subject near and dear to my heart.
I’ve spent most of this week preparing for this event. If you love crape myrtles as much as most Texans, I think you’ll enjoy this evening hosted by the McKinney Public Library System and the City of McKinney. There will be no charge to attend. Parking is available around and one block off the square, and there are many fine restaurants and shops as well as our city’s crape myrtles that are starting to come into bloom. Come early and make a fun afternoon and evening of it.

Do you know…
• Where crape myrtles are native and how they made their way into America?
• How many varieties there are now?
• What the range in mature heights is?
• How to choose the best types for your needs?
• How to promote the best growth and bloom from your crape myrtles?
• How to prune crape myrtles properly?
I’ll cover all that and a whole lot more. I hope you’ll be able to join me.
On a personal note, since I’ve been “enjoying” migraine-associated vertigo (as opposed to inner ear BPPV) for three years, I haven’t done many public appearances. I really miss them. This one should be fun, and it’s close to my home so I’m really excited about it. I hope to see you!