Fruit and Pecans this Sunday!

Whether your interests turn to a backyard fruit garden or hundreds of acres of orchards, join me this Sunday, February 2, from 8 until 10 a.m. on WBAP 820AM.
Dr. George Ray McEachern, fruit and pecan specialist with Texas A&M, will be my guest. He is pretty much the only guest I have on my program during the course of the year. Fruit and pecans have not been the strong suit of my career as a landscape horticulturist, so I have been fortunate to have him step in to help you on this one special day every year.
Folks start filling the phones as soon as they open at 8 a.m. the days of these programs, so call this Sunday: (800) 288-WBAP. That’s (800) 288-9227.
The program will stream live from, and we’ll have podcasts of both hours up by Monday evening on my website.
Before our program this coming Sunday, you might check this web page on the Texas A&M Horticulture Department’s website. It has a complete rundown of all the publications involving fruit and pecan crops in Texas. I find it so useful that I keep it bookmarked on my desktop.
And in case you’re looking for a source for almost all the varieties Dr. McEachern will be addressing, Womack Nursery in DeLeon, Texas, is one outstanding possibility. Of course, many independent retail garden centers also offer fine selections as well. Wherever you buy them, just be sure you’re planting varieties that come highly recommended for your part of Texas. The big national chain stores seldom will have them. If you plant the wrong varieties, you’re doomed from the outset.