Two Critical Lawn-Care Stories
I promise you 5 stories in e-gardens each week. This week, however, I’m going to give you even more – after a fashion. I’m going to revisit two critical ones to hold them up and shout them out to you again. Their message must be heard now.
Pre-emergent Time is Here Now!
If you want to avoid winter and spring weeds that make your lawn look ultra-trashy come March, April and May, it’s time to apply your pre-emergent granules now.
You must get your pre-emergent(s) applied before Labor Day. Do not delay!
Here is the story I wrote for you last week. Even if you read it, better read it again.
Chinch bugs vs. Gray Leaf Spot
I’m getting a dozen or more questions each week asking about St. Augustine that appears to be burning up. In a few cases it’s turning yellow. Respectively, it’s chinch bug damage (still very common across Texas) and gray leaf spot (a fungus that will soon start to wane).
Here was a story I wrote a month ago and to which I’ve referred perhaps a dozen people in the past week. It will help you determine which of the two problems might be attacking your St. Augustine turf.