Fruit and Pecan Sunday in Review

We are all fortunate to have access to the talent of Dr. George Ray McEachern one Sunday each year as he joins me to talk about fruit and pecans for two solid hours on my radio program on WBAP. With its powerhouse signal the station reaches half of more of Texas. It’s always fascinating to hear the questions folks call in from home and commercial orchards. This year was a great example.
We have podcasts of the two hours available on my website for your listening enjoyment if you’re so inclined. Click here to find them.

And, as always, I asked George Ray to give us a quick list of his recommendations of the best varieties of fruit crops that my listeners ought to consider. They’re at the very end of the program and we were a bit rushed for time. Here was my post on Facebook that followed the program.
Garden Tip: Here are Dr. George Ray McEachern’s Top Fruit and Pecan varieties (in order) that he gave at the end of my program this morning.
1. Orient pear
2. Kiowa, Ouachita blackberries
3. Methley plum
4. Blanc du Bois, Champanel, Black Spanish grapes
5. Eureka persimmon
6. Black Beauty muscadine (East Texas only)
7. Sioux, Caddo, Kansa, Desirable pecans
8. Tifblue blueberries (East Texas only)
9. Alma figs
This was supposed to be a Top 10 list, but I’ve listened to the recording twice and I don’t hear the missing one. Perhaps it was peaches. I’ll refer you to the fact sheet in the link below.
THIS LIST WAS FOR MY RADIO AUDIENCE IN NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS. If you are elsewhere you might want to look through the various fact sheets at this great collection of TAMU information to find specifics for your area. I also have those recommendations in Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening (available from my website).
NOTE: If you are looking for a source of the recommended varieties of fruit and pecan trees, grapes and bramble berries, one reliable source of almost all is Womack Nursery in DeLeon, Texas. Order by calling toll-free (855) 993-6497 or online at