Hoyas beyond your wildest dreams
Before I go any farther, all credit to Doug Chamberlain and his magnificent website (see link below).

Ask most people what a “Hoya” is and if they say anything at all, they’re likely to tell you it’s a basketball player from Georgetown University.
Real horticulturists, though, know that they’re some of the most fascinating members of the great Milkweed plant family.
If you’ve read e-gardens very long, you’ve seen my stories on stapelias (starfish flowers), since they’ve long been some of my favorites. I’ve also written on milkweeds and the Monarchs that are migrating through Texas right now. Monarchs need milkweeds to survive.
Stapelias and milkweeds are cousins to hoyas. But anything I’ve ever written about them pales (actually, disappears) by comparison to the work of Doug Chamberlain. Never mind that he’s clear up in Vermont. He’s writing about growing them indoors, so that would translate growing them inside your house just as well. I had a friend who grew hoyas indoors. Last time I was inside her house she had 18 or 20 different types. This would be right up her alley.
So enough from me. I’m just going to sit back and look at Doug’s work along with you. This is a goldmine. Tons of great YouTube information as well.
Here is Doug’s website.
Have fun!