Special Fruit and Pecan Program

My background and both of my college degrees have been in ornamental horticulture and floriculture (greenhouse crop production). Fruit and pecans, admittedly, have been my weak point.
Dr. George Ray McEachern has been my go-to source of great information all of my career. Recently retired, he’s Professor Emeritus from the Texas AgriLife Extension Service of Texas A&M.
This Sunday, February 13, will be the 39th year that George Ray has joined me for a program devoted totally to the topics of fruit and pecans. We’ll be covering everything from blackberries to strawberries, peaches to pecans.

A special opportunity for the first time…
People tell me they have a difficult time getting a line into the program. This year I’m going to take a limited number of e-mailed questions. I’ll select as many as 5 or 6 per hour to present to George Ray between live calls. I will not be giving the email address on the air. This is a special chance for e-gardens readers only!
• Please send your questions no later than Friday, February 11, 4pm to fruitandpecanquestions@sperrygardens.com.
• All questions must pertain only to fruit trees, pecans, bramble berries, strawberries or grapes.
• You must list your city in order for George Ray to give you an accurate answer.
• Please give your first name.
• Please keep your question very brief.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to reply to questions that are not answered on the air. If you miss the live broadcast, podcasts will be posted on my website by the end of the day on Monday.