What A Difference One Guy Made
I started working for Texas A&M as Dallas County Extension Horticulturist in 1970. Jerry Parsons began as vegetable specialist in 1974.
It took about 5 minutes for me to realize (A) that Jerry is a very smart horticulturist, (B) he is eager to tackle any meaningful task that would benefit gardeners and growers in Texas and (C) he is not afraid to stand up to anyone if he is sure of his facts. His research is always well planned and useful.

So from that setup I present a story introduced by Jerry, but mostly written by Bruce Frasier of Dixondale Farms. For 100 years they have been preeminent growers of onion transplants for Texas and America. Jerry shared it with me last week. I asked his permission to pass it on to you here.
I’ll just send you straight to Jerry’s outstanding PLANTanswers website to read it directly. Spend some time there, but remember to come back here to e-gardens when you’re finished!
I think you’re really going to enjoy this.
And, in case you’re interested, here is a link to the Dixondale website. https://dixondalefarms.com