Gardening This Weekend: August 15, 2024

Just a couple more hot weeks here in Texas. (We can hope!) Here are the most critical things for this weekend.

Granules to apply for cool-season grassy weeds rescuegrass, ryegrass, and annual bluegrass: Dimension, Halts, or Balan.

• These products may be difficult to locate. Begin asking now.
• They must be applied before seeds start to germinate (after first significant cold front takes night temperatures to 60F).
• Do not use on newly planted turf or where you intend to sow ryegrass or fescue seed this fall.
• Do not use where you will be sowing wildflower seeds.
• Water moderately after application to disperse the granules across soil surface.

Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower transplants. This is your prime weekend to plant them.
Zinnias, marigolds, celosias and other fall-color annuals. For quickest establishment, set out vigorous potted transplants immediately, preferably in bud but not yet in bloom.
New turfgrass as soon as possible to give it as much time as you can to establish its new roots.

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Wild spring shoots extending way out beyond canopies of shrubs to maintain natural growth forms. Whenever possible avoid squared or globular shapes to lessen your workload.
Dead branches out of trees, shrubs, whether caused by winter kill or summer drought. You can still retrain crape myrtles that were damaged by cold.
Pinch growing tips from overgrown coleus, begonias, other summer annuals to keep them compact through fall season. This pinch should be relatively light since you’re making it so late in the growing season.

Patio pots and hanging baskets, also new flower and vegetable plantings with high-nitrogen, water-soluble plant food to promote vigorous growth.
Bermuda lawns with all-nitrogen food to keep them vigorous and green. Wait 2-3 weeks to fertilize St. Augustine to lessen chance of gray leaf spot outbreak during the heat.
Iron-deficient plants (yellowed leaves with dark green veins, most prominent on newest growth and most common from I-35 westward where soils are alkaline) with iron/sulfur product. Iron products can stain, so be cautious when using them near bricks, stone or concrete.

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Gray leaf spot causes St. Augustine to take on a yellowed cast. On close inspection you’ll see BB-sized gray lesions on the blades. If so, apply Azoxystrobin to stop its spread. Wait 2-4 weeks to fertilize St. Augustine. Nitrogen exacerbates development of the fungus in summer’s heat.
Chinch bugs continue to dominate St. Augustine lawns. They are active and very damaging. Your local nursery or hardware store will have several products to stop them.

Last Call:
Nutsedge (nutgrass) in lawns, beds. The middle of August (the next few days) will be your last chance to apply Image (original form) or Sedgehammer to kill it.

Posted by Neil Sperry
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