Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
The chatter of bluebirds, the flash of a cardinal’s wing, the calming coo-coo-coo of a dove: few things animate gardens as much as birds, and there’s no better time than …
We’re seeing great weather most days ahead. Here are the things you’ll want to get done. PLANT• Warm-season annual color can be planted now in the southern half of the …
We might have expected to see their rare beauty a few weeks before now, but two cold spells, one of them just a couple of weeks back, delayed the very …
Success in lawnkeeping depends on following a few basic rules. One of those applies to mowing heights. Here are your guidelines. Our southern lawns are basically runner-producing grasses. If we …
If you’re looking for a small tree for a landscape featuring native Texas plants, or if you’re planting a pollinator garden, Mexican buckeye deserves consideration. Native to southwestern, central, and …