Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Just a couple more hot weeks here in Texas. (We can hope!) Here are the most critical things for this weekend. BE WARNED!Timing for application of pre-emergent granules for winter …
When I was a kid horticulturist, getting to meet Sterling Cornelius was like sitting down with Mickey Mantle. And going to his nursery at 2223 Voss Rd. in Houston was …
My first time to see Persian shield was in the Texas A&M Floriculture Department greenhouses when I was barely a teenager. It was mixed in with all the other foliage …
Potting benches can be as simple as a table pushed against an exterior wall or as grandiose as a repurposed sideboard, painted and outfitted with a tile countertop, sink and …
When it’s “summertime hot” I try to shorten my weekly list of “gotta-do” things to the minimum. Here’s what made the cut this time around. PLANT• Fall foliage color from …
If the homework assignment is for yellow in the late summer garden, here’s a collection that’s sure to please. Best of all, these will meld in with your fall colors …
Lime green is a color that cools off and refreshes a hot summer landscape, and that’s just what ‘Little Lime’ hydrangea does. A smaller version of its eight-foot-tall cousin, ‘Limelight,’ …