Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Gardening is picking up speed like a pebble rolling down a mountainside. Let’s see where it needs to stop so we can get some things done. PLANT• Cole crops (cabbage, …
I see a lot of people trying to grow their own fruit crops at home, yet many struggle, partly because they’ve planted the wrong varieties, and partly because they don’t …
As if it wasn’t enough that nature decorates gardens with the heart-shaped foliage and flowers of caladium, cyclamen, elephant ear, hosta, dicentra, and ivy, among other heartthrobs. Gardeners, too, seem …
Grab a tablet, and jot down your assignments. Here are the ones that popped into my mind. PLANT• Frost-tolerant annuals to replace any that got toasted by the cold back …
Willowleaf hollies (also known as “Needlepoint,” even though their leaves aren’t especially fearsome) are some of Texas’ finest mid-sized evergreen shrubs. They’re offsprings of Burford holly, which puts them in …
Winter jasmine is a tough, not-so-common shrub that is perfectly suited for Texas and one that adds cool-season interest to the landscape. Although it can be trained as a vine …