Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
This venerable old shrub, a favorite of our grandmothers’ grandmothers, was once known by Texans as “japonica.” Many still use that name when they see it growing in older neighborhoods …
Here are the most critical things as I see them for our great state, Gulf Coast to the Panhandle. This is going to be bumpy. Hang onto your bloomers. PLANT• …
As if the velvety petals of roses, the intoxicating scent of sweet peas and the heart-shaped foliage of cyclamen weren’t expressive enough, turns out that flowers have a language all …
The conversation usually begins something like this… “Neil, as we got ready to prune our roses last week, we noticed that they were covered with thorns. Is this rose rosette …
It looks our brief escapes into warm weather may suffer a setback next week across much of the state. In that light, here are the things you’ll want to get …
I had agreed to a speaking engagement at Sul Ross University in Alpine out in the Big Bend Country – Brewster County – biggest county in Texas – 1/7 the …
Drummond red maple develops into a medium-sized to large tree up to 100 ft. tall, although the average size is 40 ft. tall and 30 ft. wide. Its leaves have …
(Please read these instructions carefully.)Before you post your question, please look at recent issues to see if someone else has already asked it. You might find your answer there. January …