Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
(Please read these instructions carefully.)Before you post your question, please look at recent issues to see if someone else has already asked it. You might find your answer there. November …
When a plant has lost all its leaves for the winter, it’s pretty difficult to know when it’s dry. It won’t wilt! So, how’s a gardener to know when it’s …
The United States Department of Agriculture has been tabulating and releasing a map of the lowest temperature that might be expected county-by-county across the entire United States. It’s an extremely …
It’s a disease that was first found in wild roses east of the Rockies more than 80 years ago. It had been observed across the entire country within 20 years, …
I met this beautiful lady, Nellie R. Stevens, the holly, in November 1970. One of the members of my Extension advisory committee, Steve Dodd of Dodd’s Garden Center in Dallas …
Normal people spend most of December focusing on the holidays. But we gardeners never claimed to be normal, so here are a few things you’ll want to accomplish in this …
I’ve told you elsewhere in this week’s e-gardens that we live in an 11-acre forest that’s on both sides of a dry stream bed. However, when heavy rains come, that …
When I was a young horticulturist just getting started in greenhouse production of flowering plants, we spent a few moments learning about cyclamen. Moments. They were just too difficult, too …