Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
We’ve used up our cold-weather passes. It’s time to get down to business. Here is this weekend’s checklist. PLANT• Onion transplants. Buy types best adapted to your area. 1015Y is …
I’d like to have served on the committee that first came up with the brainstorm of cutting the living daylights out of an otherwise beautiful crape myrtle. Perhaps if someone …
Here’s your list of assignments to tackle as soon as convenient. PLANT• Dig and transplant established trees and shrubs during the next 3-4 weeks while they are completely dormant. Maintain …
I learned about wallflowers from my friend Phil Huey with the City of Dallas Park Department. Fact is, I learned a lot from Phil on many topics. But speaking of …
There’s something about white winter flowers that invigorates gardens. As pure as snow, they catch the eye and brighten the landscape. Best of all, selections are available for beds, borders, …
As promised, here is the general outline of what we ought to be doing in Texas landscapes and gardens as we head toward the middle of January. Most of this …