VOLUME 20, ISSUE 29 • July 18, 2024

Neil Sperry editor. Gretchen Drew design and circulation.


The hump of mid-summer means it's time to be checking on pests and problems that might be challenging your plants in the heat. It's also time to be planning things you can do when cool weather returns soon. I've written this edition with all that in mind.

In this issue…
This weekend's top jobs,
Mexican heather,
Three important topics coming back up,
Steven Chamblee's latest, and
A great group of Q's and my A's.

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Photo: I just can't get enough of the great little Mexican heather!


Gardening This Weekend

It looks like we might have a little relief from the heat for a few days this weekend. Let's hear a big "Hooray!" for that! So, let me strike a quick list of the most critical things you'll want to accomplish.

Photo: It's pepper-planting time for your fall harvest in Texas!


Native Son: July 2024

It’s obvious that Steven needs some new books. I just cleaned off a shelf and will share with him, but wait ’til you see what he’s been reading lately.

Photo: She seems unhappy with Steven’s intrusion. “Last time I’ll rent from him."


A sweet, small flower

I've always had a special place in my heart and in my gardens for simple flowers. Mexican heather is just such a plant. I don't talk or write about it enough here. I can't solve that all in one e-gardens, but I can certainly get the ball rolling. Click to see why I like it.

Photo: Mexican heather is beauty simply stated.


Important - In case you missed them…

We've been busy here. I decided I'd better go back to several topics we've covered at this time in the past couple of years and in recent weeks. These are important, and you'll want to look through them.

Photo: Honeydew that could be used to seal boxes shut mars our best pecan trees.


Q&A – Ask Neil

What a great assortment of questions from all across Texas. Sudden death of a rose-of-Sharon. Slow decline of an Autumn Blaze maple tree. And an Unwanted List of weed grass, volunteer crape myrtles, and ground cherries in turfgrass. I've tackled 'em all.


And, in closing…

I hope you've enjoyed this week's e-gardens. If so, let your gardening buddies know about us. And thank our advertisers.

In the meantime, join me on the radio this weekend. Here's a list of times, stations, frequencies, and phone numbers. Remember that many of them stream their live programming.

You'll also find podcasts of most of the programs on my website as well.

For now, I'd better go let Zeus the dog out. Then I'll start working on next week's edition.

Until then, thanks for reading…

And happy gardening!

P.S. A really sad note from me personally…
At 5:08 p.m. today – less than an hour ago – I received a note that a man who worked alongside me for 25 years passed away today. Bill Bailey was my main sales person at KRLD. He was there when I got there, and his encouraging words kept me going through some of the toughest of times, even after we both had moved on from that station. He was a wonderful talent and a spectacular friend. With love, I say “Thanks, Bill, for everything!” for the last time. (Typed on my iMac. Bill convinced me I needed to “Go Apple” way back in 1984.) His wife Linda and his children are in our prayers tonight.


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