Question: We’re going to move into our new house in December. What kind of grass can I plant then, so I won’t be tracking mud all winter?

Answer: Many landscape contractors will plant bermuda sod all through the winter, and most times, they do so successfully. However, it’s risky to have brand new sod (especially St. Augustine) exposed to extreme cold. If you’re in the southern half of the state, you might get ryegrass to germinate. It will give you a quick cover if it does sprout, but it will die out come spring. For the rest of the state, you’re going to have trouble getting anything to germinate while the soils are cold. If you can gain access to your new home’s grounds by late October you could probably still get something up and growing. Otherwise, wait until spring. Don’t rototill until you’re ready to plant in the spring. Weeds and compacted soil are far better than soft, eroding mud all winter.

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