GARDENS Magazine - January/February 2012
Feature Articles
Success with Succulents
In the ground or in pots, they're tenacious, colorful and water-wise
Winners in the Kitchen Garden
New varieties to grow and savor now and later
Singing the Blues
Secrets for attracting bluebirds to the Texas landscape
New Year's Resolutions for the Gardener
"No garden is more perfect than next year's garden."
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
Winter in the greenhouse.
Ask Neil:
Christmas catcus care, crowded trees, plum damage and more.
Lone Stars
Rising Star: Pelargonium Hybrid --
'Caliente' Series -- Harbingers of spring that last well into Texas summers.
Plants that Defy the Odds
Perennials that met a record-breaking summer head-on.
Designing Texas
Color Choices for Winter Containers
Exciting cool-season combinations of flowers and foliage.
Weeping Trees
Striking plants to use as focal points in the garden.
Texas Tips
Buyer Beware
Watch for turfgrass claims that sound too good to be true.
Finishing Touch
Get Growing with a Greenhouse
Choose your style, connect the utilities, and extend the growing season.