GARDENS Magazine - March/April 2005

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Feature Articles
Yes, you can grow these beauties in Texas, and they need much less care than you might think
Heirloom Tomatoes
Fresh from your Texas garden.
The Pride of Nacogdoches
Eight acres of azaleas plus hundreds of other colorful plants characterize the Ruby M. Mize Azalea Garden
Nacogdoches Azalea Trail
Visit the nation's first designated "Azalea City" for lessons in history and horticulture
Top 15 Plants for Your Cut-Flower Garden
Perfect picks for homemade bouquets
azaleas; mahonias
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note
Be with us in Arlington, Feb. 25-27!
Ask Neil
Bluebonnet tips, groundcover prep and more
Lone Stars
Rising Star
Phlox 'Intensia' Series: Annual phlox that blooms straight through summer's most intense heat
Fragrant Climbing Roses
Choose from these favorites for cascades of scented blooms
Landscape-Friendly Wildflowers
These wild blooms will befriend the finer flowers in your garden
Evergreen Clematis
A little-known flowering vine as tough as Texas
Formosa Lily
Graceful, white and sweetly scented, these lilies are what fairy tales are made of
Designing Texas
Prescription for Color
A dose of purple, a shot of yellow and other cures for the garden blahs
Shade Trees for Small Spaces
For small lots or limited space, these trees offer shade without overwhelming the landscape
Texas Tips
Drainage Dilemmas
Expert solutions to troubling problems
10 Keys to a Successful Lawn
What you should know to ensure healthy turf