GARDENS Magazine - March/April 2008

Feature Articles

Making old gardens look new

Fresh ideas to energize tired, overgrown landscapes.

Gourmet green beans

Planting beans, growing them and cooking them to perfection.

Walkways with verve

A well-planned path frames the garden and sets its mood.


Oleander; spiraea

Heavenly scents

Planting the fragrance garden

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note


Ask Neil

Non-blooming wisteria, gangly vitex, "gray" water, and more.

Lone Stars


An explosion of color for the shade garden.

Seeking Silver

The treasures of artemisia.

Rising Star: Clemone 'Senorita Rosalita'

Meet a cleome that withstands hot Texas summers.

Red Yucca

This member of the agave family thrives in most corners of Texas.

Designing Texas

A Child's Garden of Herbs

Plants to make the kingdom of childhood pleasures complete.

Garden Whimsy

Bringing enthusiasm and joy to your outdoor spaces.

Texas Tips

Take-all Root Rot

Combating the fungus that afflicts St. Augustine lawns.

Finishing Touch

Weaving Ways

Today's wicker boasts toughness and charm.

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