GARDENS Magazine - March/April 2014
Feature Articles
Pam's Pink Honeysuckle
Unraveling the history of a gracious, sentimental heirloom.
Stacking the Deck
Vertical Gulf Coast landscape overflows with flowers, foliage and feeders.
The China Connection
Texas stories of hardy satsumas and Dr. Ying Doon Moy.
Get Serious About Squash
Yellow, zucchini, vining, Patty Pan -- what a feast!
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
Neil's sprint to the finish!
Ask Neil:
Pyracantha pruning, holly leaf-drop, moss problems, and more.
Lone Stars
Rising Star: Osteospermum ecklonis 'White Lightning'
A charming spring daisy that blooms right through summer heat.
King of the Herbs
Ever-popular basil reigns over the garden with color and style.
Designing Texas
Chinese Fringe Tree
Chionanthus retusas is a stunning ornamental.
Finishing Touch
Tree Ring Gardens
Solving problems while respecting those valuable trees.