GARDENS Magazine - May/June 2005
Feature Articles
2005 Crape Myrtle Conference
Make plans to attend now!
Daylilies Take Shape
Recurved and ruffled, spiders and stars- even UFOs- unusual daylily forms embody the past, present and future of hybridizing
Build a Book
Mimosa; waxleaf ligustrum
Making the Cut
Harvesting herbs for flavor and fragrance
From the Sperry Garden
On a personal note
What do you collect?
Ask Neil
Eliminating dallisgrass, helping squash set fruit, and more
Lone Stars
Rising Star: 'Artist' Ageratum
Paint a cool summer picture with these colorful blooms
These tropical beauties add lush color to sunny and shady spots
Jewels of Ophar
Diamonds? Gold? Not for this gardener
'Texas Lilac' Vitex
Could it be the perfect plant?
Bronze Fennel
This multi-tasking herbs gets the gold medal for mass appeal
Designing Texas
The Perfect Palette
Pure, peaceful and pleasing to the eye, the all-white garden is a study in perfection
Texas Tips
Drip Irrigation
Ultra-efficient and easy to install, drip irrigation systems are ideal for watering pots, beds and trees
The Grass is Always Greener
Converting a bermuda lawn to St. Augustine
Creating A Broken China Birdbath
Indulge your inner artist and create your own masterpiece
Finishing Touch
Flower Fun
Add a bit of European charm to your landscape