GARDENS Magazine - May/June 2008

Feature Articles

Fanciful foliage

Color, texture, and drama, even with few flowers

Hot Weather Toughies

Second-seson plantings in the vegetable garden

The Magic of Butterflies

Choosing plants that set the stage for nature's show


Agave americana, Vitex angus-castus

Mellow Mallows

Meet the celebrated members of this abundantly blooming family

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note

Crooked by design

Ask Neil

Newspaper mulch, Chinese photinia, groundcover for slopes, and more

Lone Stars

Sage Advice

Growing tough, floriferous Salvia greggii

Adaptable, Carefree Sedums

These waterwise gems come in many colors, forms, and textures.

'Cora' Vinca

Vinca is once again a viable option for eye-catching color

Texas Tips

Unwanted Grasses

Fighting them can be tricky business.

Herbs and Butterflies

From fennel to bee balm, herbs welcome caterpillers and adult butterflies.

Finishing Touch

Wishing Wells

Toss a coin, make a wish!

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