GARDENS Magazine - May/June 2009
Feature Articles
The Lily Farm
Meet a Texas hybridizer and his prize-winning daylilies
Wondrous, mystical, magical garden transitions
Dramatic, sculptural succulents to accent the garden
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note
Building a garden, room by room
Ask Neil
Nana nandinas, aerobic sprinklers, philodendron cuttings and more
Lone Stars
Lone Star: Indispensable Basil
The vast array includes variegated 'Pesto Perpetuo'.
Rising Star: Zinnia 'Zahara' Series
Introducing a bright new hybrid that resists powdery mildew.
Designing Texas
Container Garden Care
Essentials for lovely, healthy, overflowing pots.
Living Edging
Delineate beds with graceful, first-tier border plants.
Texas Tips
Combating Sedges
War on this perennial lawn weed requires patience.
Low-Volume Irrigation
It can save the day in vegetale gardens and flowerbeds.
Finishing Touch
Animal Magnetism
A parade of statuary for every garden setting.