GARDENS Magazine - May/June 2011

Feature Articles

Taming Tough Tiny Spaces

A Master Gardener meets courtyard gardening challenges

Best of the Butterfly Plants

The basics of nectar plants and catepillar munchables

The Power of Pollinators

Why every garden needs them

Potted Pleasures

Succulents make it easy

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note:

Sleuthing this year's lawngrass problems.

Ask Neil:

Wild violets, Take All Root Rot, gopher damage, and more.

Lone Stars

Rising Star: Gerbera 'Drakensberg Daisy'

This new hybrid is nothing like the Gerberas you've tired before.

Butterfly Bush

Free-blooming, easy-care buddleias provide great summer color.


A fascinating, abundantly blooming native for moist areas.

Designing Texas

Black Beauties

Planting and enjoying the new "black" calla lilies.

Gardening in Harmony with Pets

Pet ownership need not deter the plant lover!

Texas Tips

Tips for Proper Mowing

Cutting grass at the proper height and frequency makes all the difference.

Finishing Touch


These garden accents span the ages with design drama.

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