GARDENS Magazine - May/June 2012
Feature Articles
Herbal Haven
Hill Country herb farm blends fragrant gardens with lodging and dining.
Cut Flowers for Fun and Profit
Texas flower producers carve out a special niche.
The Buzz Around Town
Backyard beekeeping yields pollination, satisfaction and great honey.
Long Live the Lilies
Crinums and all Southern beauty and all Texas toughness.
Pond Pleasures
Big or small, a pond offers bountiful garden gifts.
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
Neil's trek to a favorite garden center.
Ask Neil:
Bare lawns, exposed roots, dallisgrass, bagworms and more.
Lone Stars
Rising Star: Gaillardia 'Gayla'
Meet the blanket flower that earned "FlameProof" honors.
Abundance of Abelias
An old favorite now comes in colorful compact forms.
Designing Texas
Top It Off!
Mulches conserve water, block weeds, and dress up the landscape.
Texas Tips
Conserving Lawn Water
Smarter ways to make the most of that precious water supply.
Finishing Touch
Bakers' Racks
New looks for a graceful old favorite.