GARDENS Magazine - November/December 2004

Feature Articles

Cool Containers

Warm up your winter landscape with colorful potted plantings

Top Tulips for Texas

An expert.s advice on growing spring.s most beautiful blooms


Arizona ash; Evergreen euonymus

Bird Banquet

Create a beautiful buffet to sustain winter.s winged friends

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note

Blessing of the redcedars

Ask Neil

Perking up pansies, moving crape myrtles, pruning flowering and fruiting shrubs

Lone Stars

Rising Star

Pansies and Violas: New varieties, cool colors and pretty faces

Winter Greens

Salad greens come in an array of enticing winter colors . and flavors

Tree House

Potted trees bring the outdoors in


Orchid-growing seems easy with this no-fail bloomer

Designing Texas

Balanced Beauty

Achieving symmetry in the landscape

Framing the View

Design tricks to showcase your landscape

Texas Tips

Planting Balled-and-Burlapped Trees

Everthing you need to know to ensure success

Goodbye, Grass!

Getting rid of turf prior to creating new beds prevents future frustrations

Finishing Touch

Chasing Away the Chill

Outdoor fireplaces create a cozy haven

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