GARDENS Magazine - November/December 2005
Feature Articles
Conifers for Texas
Yes, you can grow them here. Read on to find out how, and which ones to plant
Seedeaters welcome!
Plants that entice winter birds
Dwarf burford holly; juniper
Friendly figures
Creating a garden friend from terra cotta pots is simple-and fun
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note
Wrapping your trees' trunk in greenery
Ask Neil
Moving crape myrtles, pecan spray schedule, and more
Lone Stars
'Garden Spice' and 'Devon Cottage' Dianthus
Perennial pinks that stand up to Texas' tough standards
English Ivy
This multi-use vine is an old-time favorite
Flame-leaf and other sumacs are the lesser-known stars of cool-weather gardens
'Yuletide' Camellia
This flowering shrub brings your winter garden to life
Leatherleaf Mahonia
A plant for all seasons
Designing Texas
Evergreens of a Different Color
These colorful shrubs hold their foliage all year round
Sizing Up Your Landscape
In terms of good landscape design, scale is essential
Texas Tips
De-Bugging Houseplants
From swarms of gnats to cotton-like goo, find out what's bugging your plants and how to fix it
Winter Pruning Guide for Woody Plants
A how-to and timeline for shaping up your garden
Common Lawn Care Mistakes
Clearing up misconceptions now puts you ahead of the game for spring
Finishing Touch
Boulder Basics
Give your landscape "natural" appeal by installing stone