GARDENS Magazine - November/December 2007

Feature Articles

Garden of Grace

A gardener confronts grief with sweat and dirt.

12 Ways to Attract Birds

Make your yard and garden an irresistible spot for feathered friends to nest, feed and play.


Lacebark elm; Japanese boxwood.

Every Day's a Holly Day

Discover dozens of ways these great shrubs can improve your landscape.

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note:

A word about wood ferns.

Ask Neil:

Signs of iron deficiency, moving large trees, holly woes, mowing monkey grass and more.

Lone Stars

Rising Star: Dianthus 'Elation' series

These colorful cool-season plants reflower and last longer into summer.

The Chive Brothers

Meet onion and garlic, two easy-going herbs


A tree whose beauty is known 'round the world.

Container Citrus

Growing your own tasty fruit is easier than you think.

Lenten Rose

Eye-catching hellebores shake off the winter shivers.

Designing Texas

Getting Boulder

Gardens that rock.

Texas Tips

Creating a Living Wreath

Unleash your imagination with a custom fresh wreath.

Sprinkler Surprises

Test your automatic system now to make sure it's running smoothly.

Finishing Touch

Mini Toolshed

These garden toolboxes let you stash tools and treasures.

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