GARDENS Magazine - November/December 2007
Feature Articles
Garden of Grace
A gardener confronts grief with sweat and dirt.
12 Ways to Attract Birds
Make your yard and garden an irresistible spot for feathered friends to nest, feed and play.
Lacebark elm; Japanese boxwood.
Every Day's a Holly Day
Discover dozens of ways these great shrubs can improve your landscape.
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
A word about wood ferns.
Ask Neil:
Signs of iron deficiency, moving large trees, holly woes, mowing monkey grass and more.
Lone Stars
Rising Star: Dianthus 'Elation' series
These colorful cool-season plants reflower and last longer into summer.
The Chive Brothers
Meet onion and garlic, two easy-going herbs
A tree whose beauty is known 'round the world.
Container Citrus
Growing your own tasty fruit is easier than you think.
Lenten Rose
Eye-catching hellebores shake off the winter shivers.
Designing Texas
Getting Boulder
Gardens that rock.
Texas Tips
Creating a Living Wreath
Unleash your imagination with a custom fresh wreath.
Sprinkler Surprises
Test your automatic system now to make sure it's running smoothly.
Finishing Touch
Mini Toolshed
These garden toolboxes let you stash tools and treasures.