GARDENS Magazine - September/October 2004

Feature Articles

Five Favorite Fall Perennials

These fabulous performers are likely to become your picks, too

Magnificent Maples

Superb selections to beautify Texas landscapes


Japanese Honeysuckle; Silver Maple

Come Again?

Reseeding annuals keep on giving in the garden


Don.t be afraid of these spiders!

From the Sperry Garden

On a Personal Note

Making the big decisions

Ask Neil

Help for ailing trees, treating fungal leaf spot, pruning autumn sage and more

Lone Stars

Rising Star: Leopard Plant

A shade-loving perennial that survives Sahara-like heat


Tips and tricks for growing these luscious fruits

Spineless Prickly Pear

All the rusticity and charm of the original, minus the thorns

Designing Texas

Formality Rules

Knot gardens and parterres create modern-day elegance

Set in Stone

Naturalistic rock wall gardens are stunning landscape features

Texas Tips

Gorgeous Gourds

To dye for!

Fall Lawn Cleanup

Follow these guidelines to get your lawn and equipment in top shape

Finishing Touch

Antiques in the Garden

Recapturing times passed

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