GARDENS Magazine - September/October 2012
Feature Articles
Rain Gatherers
How to collect and conserve precious rainfall.
Mellow Meadows
How to plan and plant in fall for a show in spring.
Greens and Good!
Adventures in cool-season cropland.
Sweet Memories
Sugar cane tales and traditions from East Texas.
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
My favorite time of the gardening year.
Ask Neil:
Fig ripening problems, roadside asters, unwanted mushrooms and more.
Lone Stars
The Colorful Cardoon
Fall is planting time for this stunning edible ornamental.
The Magnificent Muhlys
Drought-tolerant grasses headed for fall-garden stardom.
Designing Texas
Color Harmony
Smart color choices make flowerbeds sing.
Texas Tips
Fall Lawn Challenge
Be on the lookout for lurking brown patch.
Finishing Touch
Sensational Screens
Great ways to curtail or camouflage the view.